17 February 2007

Friday Five: Tourist Edition

So in the spirit of tourism:

1. What is one place you make sure to take out-of-town guests when they visit? Alexandria, MN. The motto of Alexandra is "Easy to get to. Hard to leave." and I find that to be so true. It is also the home of my favorite local vineyard.

2. When visiting another city or town, do you try to cram as much in as possible, or take it slow and easy? I take it slow and easy. Why rush things because if I really like I can always come back and well I rush all the time on vacation I like to be just bit more mellow.

3. When traveling, where are we most likely to find you: strolling through a museum, checking out the local shopping, or _________________? Where am I traveling too and how long am I there for? I love wandering around museums but I also like shopping in local boutiques. You might just find me in some little hole-in-the-wall restaurant savoring the local fare.

4. Do you like organized tours and/or carefully planned itineraries, or would you rather strike out and just see what happens? My more "J", type A, sensibility loves the ordered and planned itineraries but I have moments of just seeing what happens and where things take me. I don't like organized tours...I organize my own tours when I travel but I always need a plan.

5. After an extended trip, what do you find yourself craving most about home? Family and the sunsets over upper Midwest lakes. I'm not a native of Minnesota but somehow this land and these people have become my own and if I'm gone for too long from it I become someone I don't always like.

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