20 January 2007

Freedom of Christianity?

I was working on a Spiritual Assessment at work several days ago and talking to a veteran. I asked this veteran one of the questions on the VA Spiritual Assessment form which was about things that cause you to not feel peaceful. This veteran said that the current state of the world makes him not feel peaceful. Well, AMEN to that. I don't even watch the news anymore because I would rather not know. If it is really important someone will tell me. Anyway, this veteran talked for sometime about the current war. He talked about how the soldiers fighting joined the army, they were not drafted, they willingly went into the Army. Now sure many went so that they could go to college but they still joined. What this veteran ultimately said is "You joined that Army, quit your bitching about being at war."

A lot of the veterans I work with were drafted during WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. They had no choice. They went into the Army because they had not because they wanted to or they needed money for school. WWII veterans especially don't complain about the service they gave. They did what they had to do. It's no wonder that that particular generation is called "The Greatest Generation."

OK, so the veteran I was doing a Spiritual Assessment with kept going and talked about people in Iraq didn't want to be Christian and we shouldn't be there anymore because at least in the United States we have "Freedom of Christianity."

Now, really how true is that statement. We can be any kinda Christian we want in the United States as long as its Christian. I know that what he should have said was "Freedom of Religion" but to a great extent that isn't true. Yes, we have many other religious beliefs but lets look at the religious beliefs of the people who run and own this country, mostly Catholics and Protestants. How do you feel when you hear that term? Does it make you ticked off like it made me? Stop and think about it for a moment and then drop me a line and let me know how you feel.


zebrafeet said...

I wrote a paper for Beth Nordbeck on that very idea: that we are free to pick a form of Christianty but deviate from that, ouch.

It goes against what I believe - there is a line in the Koran which says if your neighbor has faith, encourage him to follow the teachings of his faith, if he does not have faith, introduce him to the teachings of Mohammed. Now that is something I can get behind.

Responsible Grace said...

That is a great saying from the Koran. This veteran had talked about being over in Iraq and that we should leave becasue they don't want to be Christians. I was thinking...we aren't there to convert them. But comments about freedom of Christianty really bug becasue it feels as if that is were we are headed.