13 April 2007

Friday Five: Oh...The Chairs We Find Ourselves In

This week's Friday Five is brought to us by Cheesehead and ReverandMother who have both sat in dental chairs this past week. In remembrance and honor of these two brave women who have survived a trip to the dentist humbly I offer my play at the Friday Five.

1. Are you a regular patron of dentists' offices? Or, do you go
a) faithfully, as long as you have insurance
b) every few years or so, whether you need it or not
c) dentist? what is this "dentist" thing you speak of?

A. My answer is A. Less than a year ago I had my braces removed. While I was wearing braces I went to the Orthodontist monthly and the Dentist every four months. I got twice a year faithfully, insurance or no insurance. I have invested WAY too much in my teeth to not have them cleaned and checked regularly.

2. Whatever became of your wisdom teeth?

I had four wisdom teeth and one was removed, so now I have three. The other three are still in my head but they don't seem to want to come down at all and my dentist doesn't like to do oral surgery for no reason at all so I get to keep them until they start to bother me.

3. Favorite thing to eat that's BAAAAAD for your teeth.

Gummy Peach Rings and Sour Gummy Worms. If you don't tell my orthodontist I ate them when I was wearing braces and that is a big no-no.

4. Ever had oral surgery? Commiserate with me.

I had one wisdom tooth removed but that's it and to be honest it wasn't a bad experience at all. Now if you really want to remember pain...lets talk about braces.

5. "I'd rather have a root canal than _________________."

have to go and visit my grandmother in Vermont. I lovingly call her "The Wicked Witch of the East." I really do think that she killed my grandfather.

Bonus: Does your dentist recommend Trident?

No. With the number of fillings I have my dentist doesn't recommend any kind of gum to me at all. If I need fresh breath it's Listerine Fresh Strips for me.


Sally said...

:-) No gum for me either!!!!
Good play

DogBlogger said...

Wow! Best answer to #5 all day, what with the suspicion of murder...

Rev SS said...

I agree with dogblogger!